How to lose weight with Keto Diet ?

keto diet for rapid weight loss
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Keto diet is one of the best ways to help you lose weight fast by lowering carbohydrates. This diet method is very popular for rapid weight loss and many celebrities and models are addicted to it. It is amazing to see spectacular transformation stories from different people who adopted Keto. In this article, you will find what is exactly a ketogenic diet? How does it work? You will also learn if Keto Diet is safe for health?

1- What is Keto Diet?

The Ketogenic diet or Keto Diet is one of the best weight loss methods which consists of eating low carbs food but contains high healthy fats, with enough protein. The two most indispensable sources of energy for the body are fat and glucose. However, when there is too much inside the body, weight gain starts. The idea behind Keto Diet is then to use fat for fuel and reduce carb. Moreover, scientific studies show that this regimen offers lots of benefits to our health and even allows control over diabetes.

2- How does Keto Diet help for weight loss?

As Keto Diet is a low-carbohydrate and high healthy fat diet, your body starts to burn fat excess rapidly and effectively. Compared to the Atkins Diet which appeared in 1970, this has low-carbs with high protein – Keto diet focuses more on high fat with 70% to 80%. The main sources of energy our body need are carbohydrates such as sugar or starch, lipids, and proteins. Depriving the body of glucose is important with Keto. With this type of diet, you have to eat fewer carbohydrate foods and during the whole process, the body only uses fat as the main fuel to increase your energy.

This type of diet will put your body in a metabolic state called Ketosis. This is normal because when your body lacks glucose, the body will get energy by using stored fat. To get glucose, carbohydrates are broken down inside the body. ketones is created when fat is used instead of carbs to boost your energy. With Keto, the main objective is then to oblige the body to use fat as fuel rather than carbs. When your body is in the ketosis stage, the process of burning fat increases considerably, blood sugar and insulin production decreases which leads to better health and well-being.

3- Is keto diet healthy?

Keto is good for weight loss

The most common question that many people ask is: “Is Keto diet safe?” Ketogenic Diet became more and more popular over the years and many people started to adopt it especially stars to control weight with minimum effort, and mostly to get rid of fat excess quickly. What is more, is that it has been proven over and over again that Keto Diet works effectively and you can lose up to 1 pound per week or 30 pounds in 3 months if you follow correctly the diet instruction.

But keep in mind that results may vary according to your metabolism. In fact, Ketogenic Diet is one of the best alternatives for weight loss methods compared to weight loss pills, weight loss smoothies, juice cleanses, et cetera. As far as Ketogenic Diet is concerned, the results show that this type of diet is not only effective but provides well-being as well. Nonetheless, before jumping into the ketogenic diet or any other diet, we always recommended consulting medical advice mainly if you follow some treatment.

Who is keto diet for?

Keto diet is perfect for a healthy person. Yet, you have to take into consideration that some side effects may appear during the process of ketosis. We call these outcomes “Keto Flu”, as during the time your body adapts to the new regimen, you may encounter some unpleasant feelings such as tiredness, digestive discomfort, nausea. Anyway, these sensations will last for few days just the time your body gets used to Keto.

People tend to be skeptical when seeing those tremendous shed fat loss and incredible body transformations, but until you start, you won’t see result. In the 19th Century, doctors already used it to control diabetes and to treat children with epilepsy.The Keto method has also been tested for different medical conditions to treat cancer, Alzheimer’s, polycystic ovary syndrome. Generally, Keto is safe but if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, under any medication treatment, or if you are breastfeeding, you should get medical guidance first.

4- Keto diet list of foods

Now, let’s find out what type of foods to avoid in Keto. In order to achieve a Ketosis state, it is highly recommended to eat less high-carbohydrate food. Sometimes, it is even better to completely remove them from nutrition. Here is a keto diet list of food you should remove:
  • Any Food that contains sugar such as candy, cake, fruit juice, et cetera
  • Starchy Foods: bread, cereal, pasta, grains, etc
  • Root vegetables: beetroot, potatoes, carrots, corn
  • Fruits except berries
  • Sauces
  • Carbonated beverages and alcohol
  • Products made from vegetable milk (soya milk, soya almonds, etc)
  • Chocolate
This next keto food list is allowed on ketogenic diet:
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Avocado
  • Lemon Juice
  • Low-carb vegetables such as bell peppers, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, et cetera
  • Meat
  • Butter and cream
  • Vegetal oil
  • Unprocessed cheese
  • Milk and yogurt
  • Coconut is perfect for ketogenic diet because it can be transformed easily into ketones
  • Condiments
However, even if these foods are Keto-Friendly, you should consume them with moderation so as to achieve ketosis.

5- How many carbs can you expect to lose ?

The result differs from one person to another depending on different factors when it comes to the amount of carbs loss expectation. For example, a more active person is more likely to shed loss than another less active one. The keto weight loss result also depends on body composition which means the way your metabolism work, the body fat percentage, the weight and height of the person, and also the gender. Health conditions and how healthy you eat also impact your ability to lose weight with keto. Numerous conditions determine how fast you will lose weight and how much you will lose.

In general, within the first week of ketogenic diet you should already see a great change. Compared to habitual diet with weight loss exercise plan, which allows you to lose about one or two pounds per week; keto helps you burn fat from two to ten pounds. This is astonishing, as your body took the needed energy from the stored fat and this way your body transforms into a fat-burning machine. If you stick well with the method, your body will continue to burn fat fast and in just one month you can get great result. There is no health risk as your body drops four to ten pounds per month.

6- Keto Diet Common Mistake To Avoid

First of all, the most common mistake people do with keto diet and prevent them from losing weight properly is to eat  too many carbohydrates. While it is not easy to move from a normal diet to keto, you have to adapt yourself to keto food to quickly move to a ketosis state. Whenever you feel some hunger which is unlikely to happen because Keto diet is actually a filling diet, you can opt for Keto-friendly snacks. The good news with Ketogenic Diet is that you don’t have to give up on your favorite food, because you can have delicious Keto cake, Keto Cookies, keto pizza, keto snacks … If you like cooking, there are millions of easy and yummy keto recipe you can try.

Another fact that prevents people from achieving their weight loss goal with Keto diet plan is to eat too much protein. This is the main reason why you don’t lose weight with Ketogenic diet. If you absorb more protein than what is required, you add a new source of energy to your body. So, instead of using only the fat stored in your body, your liver will use protein first and that’s why your weight loss process slows down and is not effective. So, keep track of the protein you absorb.

7- What are the Keto Diet Benefits?

ketogenic diet is effective for weight loss and gives health benefits. When your body burns a huge amount of fat and eliminates bad cholesterol it improves health by decreasing the risk of developing some diseases. The most painful reality about a normal weight loss diet is the sensation of depression that you feel when you must deprive yourself of lots of foods. Furthermore, apart from deprivation, you have to do a huge amount of unimaginable workout to achieve mediocre results. You get rapidly depressed from hunger and fatigue whereas, in Keto, you don’t need to starve yourself.

Ketogenic Diet allows you to have full control of your appetite and decrease your anxiety. It is able to treat diseases like epilepsy too. This means that Ketogenic Diets tremendously improve health conditions. It protects you from heart disease, heartburn and is a great way to fight and prevent cancer. Keto Diet is one of the best ways proven to treat Alzheimer’s as well. Scientific studies demonstrate that it contributes to reducing Parkinson’s disease symptoms. Ketogenic diet helps also to treat polycystic ovary syndrome, brain injuries, acne issues, and diabetes.

 Researchers have first developed this method as a treatment for certain diseases, but it appears to be a great way to shed pounds too. Keto Diet benefits are multiple not only for weight loss but mostly for taking care of health. Ketogenic Diet helps you to stay satiated and provides you more energy. Moreover, Keto diet improves sleep quality by fighting insomnia and also boosts energy. Keto lowers blood pressure and increase your immune system. Ketogenic diet also help to treat skin problems, and it can be the best solution to slow down biological aging.

8- Keto Diet: How to start?

Starting Keto Diet as a beginner can be overwhelming but it’s normal. In the beginning, it is quite difficult to adapt yourself to any new regimen but once it’s in place everything will go smoothly. Once you have decided to follow Keto Diet Plan, you should stick to it and achieve Ketosis to get quick result. Make sure to limit carbohydrate consumption around 20 to 50g per day only and reduce protein intake. Keep yourself motivated daily and focus on your weight loss goal. Get rid of all foods that are restricted in Keto and apply the directives given above.

When you enter ketosis transition, you will be thirstier, you will feel some fatigue and sometimes nausea, you will have dry mouth, your appetite decrease and you urinate more frequently. It may take you one week to get on ketosis and feel those symptoms. To help you avoid keto flu, drink more water and liquids than usual. In addition to that, add enough salt into your soup or any food. You can also have keto snacks instead of regular snack. To increase your weight loss result, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. You can do some jogging, walking, yoga, swimming et cetera.

9- Free Keto Diet Plan For One Week

  •  Breakfast: Keto Bread with Eggs
  •  Lunch: Keto crack chicken with tomatoes
  •  Dinner: Garlic Steak with salad
  •  Breakfast: Veggie and Egg muffins
  •  Lunch: Chicken salad with keto bread loaf
  • Dinner: Salmon and avocado salad
  •  Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs
  • Lunch: Pork chops with cheese, celery, onion
  •  Dinner: Keto tuna with salad
  •  Breakfast: Keto cakes with berries
  •  Lunch: Steak with asparagus cooked in butter
  •  Dinner: Chicken salad with tomatoes and feta cheese and olive oil
  •  Breakfast: Veggies with Keto eggs
  •  Lunch: Keto omelet with baked cauliflower
  •  Dinner: Keto Pizza
  •  Breakfast: Keto pancakes with berries
  •  Lunch: Chicken salad with low-carb cream cheese
  •  Dinner: Vegan Spinach Soup
  •  Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs
  •  Lunch: Low-carb Butter roasted cauliflower
  •  Dinner: Keto noodle beef soup
Get more Keto bread recipes and keto dessert recipes from a professional Nutritional Biochemist and learn much more about Keto Food and Diet on this video presentation. What you eat has a direct impact on your entire body and your health. For this reason, it is crucial to learn how to eat healthy to avoid multiple health problems.

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