10 Best Healthy Foods to Help You Lose Weight

Foods To Help You Lose Weight
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10 best healthy foods to help you lose weight. To lose weight quickly, the choice of foods we eat is crucial. Some of them are real assets for slimming. Without further ado, here are the top 10 foods that make you lose weight fast.

1- Apples : First Foods to Help You Lose Weight

First of all, apple is believed to be one of the best food to help you lose weight fast. Like most fruits, it contains high fiber called pectin. This element promotes the feeling of satiety and therefore makes the apple an ideal appetite suppressant. Apples are excellent in slimming programs or simply to avoid gaining weight.

In slimming diets, specialists often recommend eating apples. In addition, apple offers many benefits including rapid weight loss and energy gain. Indeed, by eating this particular fruit, the body does not need more calories. Moreover, it is a food that is suitable for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack.

Apple is good for eliminating bad cholesterol and burning fat and sugars accumulated in the body. Also, it is very rich in vitamin C and minerals. Thus, it is very effective for anyone who want to lose weight. However, despite all these benefits, it should be consumed with caution if you have any health problems. So before you embark on a diet based on apple, it is best to consult a doctor.

To lose weight with the apple diet, it is advisable not to peel it to preserve all the necessary nutrients. Apple skin contains almost all the vitamins and minerals we need. They help enormously to have all the energy necessary during the day without getting tired. It has been observed that during a diet, drop of energy is often important.

2- Green Beans Help You Lose Weight Fast

Did you know that green beans are among the best foods to help you lose weight? Obviously, if you are looking to lose some weight, you should definitely include it in your diet. They contain very low amounts of sugar and calories. Green beans are effective in making you feel fuller faster and therefore consume less food. You can have them at every meal and consume them fresh, in cans or in juice.

Green bean juice is particularly effective when combined with other vegetable juices. Although the taste, smell and appearance are not very encouraging, it promotes weight loss process. It has an immediate appetite suppressant effect and hydrates the entire body. Fresh bean juice is not very tasty, but you still have another option. You can also drink cooked green bean juice which nutritious as well.

The best time to drink green bean juice is in the morning, on an empty stomach. To reduce the smell, add a few fresh mint leaves. If you don’t like the taste, add some vegetables like cucumber or lemon. You can also drink this beverage in the evening before dinner. This way, you will eat much less food at dinner time.

3- Eating Eggs Are Good for Weight Loss

Contrary to popular belief, eggs are not fattening. In fact, eggs are ideal for slimming down your silhouette. Eggs contain about 85 kcal and are very rich in proteins. It also contains lipids, trace elements such as iron and zinc as well as vitamins A, D, E and B12. Eggs are an excellent source of protein to keep your energy up and to burn fat in your body.

Eating eggs in large quantities will not make you gain weight, because proteins are quickly digested by the body. Moreover, absorbing a good quantity of protein every day helps to calm your hunger very quickly. On the other hand, you should not add cheese, butter or sugar to your recipe to obtain good results. The egg-based diet has become a must and a trend.

You should know that you can lose up to 4 kg in only one week. In fact, it is a rather promising diet and is strongly recommended by nutritionists. On the other hand, it is always crucial to be careful with too strict a diet and rapid weight loss. Deficiencies can lead to a considerable dietary imbalance. In this case, if you want to lose weight or simply not gain weight, eggs are very good alternatives.

Thus, eggs are foods that makes you lose weight and a perfect dietary element, because they have a really low calorie content. However, eggs absolutely cover our energy needs so that we do not feel tired. Having an egg for breakfast causes a satiety effect that helps to avoid cravings. Thus, we tend to eat less and not to snack during the day.

4- Drink Weight Loss Smoothie

If you want to lose weight but don’t have time to work out, smoothies are for you. But what is a smoothie? Well, it’s a type of drink concocted with the mixture of several fresh fruits and vegetables. They are blended together to obtain a thick and creamy drink. Fruit juice can also be added to the mixture.

The smoothie recipe comes from the United States and has become a hit in weight loss diet. This particular drink is known to be excellent in terms of taste. In addition, it is very beneficial for health because of all the nutrients it contains. Anyone can drink smoothie, but it is mostly the favorite drink of athletes.

Smoothies are a very popular way to lose belly fat quickly. Indeed, it is a powerful antioxidant that detoxifies the whole body. This delicious fruity preparation is mixed in a blender. To prepare a good smooth and tasty smoothie, get a powerful blender. If the smoothie contains debris, it may irritate sensitive intestines. In this case, choose your blender carefully.

5- Eat Weight Loss Soup to Burn Fat Quickly

Finding a solution to lose weight is no longer a headache. In fact, did you know that eating soup on a daily basis helps you lose weight? In a diet, vegetables are essential. Not only do they help us maintain good health, but they are also a real asset for losing weight. Soup is a champion and fat-burning dish to get fast and permanent result.

In a weight loss diet, soup is excellent because it is 90% water. By absorbing soup at every meal, you will be full very quickly. Depending on your taste, you can choose the types of vegetables and recipes that suit you. The choice is very wide so it’s up to you to find what you prefer.

But what soup to eat to lose weight? Here are some ideas of soup recipes that you may like. For example, the special fat-eating cabbage soup, the anti-cellulite tomato soup, the leek soup, the broccoli and cream cheese soup, the chicken and celery soup. And for those who don’t have time to cook, you can find ready-made canned soups in supermarkets or online. These soups are just as tasty and beneficial. All you have to do is heat them up and you’re ready to go.

6- Oatmeal: A Healthy Food to Help You Lose Weight

Oatmeal are other foods that help you lose weight. To get full energy and start the day in good mood, remember that the golden rule is to eat a king’s breakfast. This first meal of the day is essential and plays a major role in our diet. If you skip this step, it’s not uncommon for your stomach to be in knots by lunchtime. So there’s a greater chance you’ll consume more.

Start your day with a big bowl of oatmeal for maximum energy. This is the ideal food that will provide you with all the necessary caloric intake as soon as you get out of bed. Oatmeal is very rich in fiber and promises a hearty breakfast. You can choose muesli, organic oatmeal, organic oatmeal without gluten. There are as many varieties in the supermarket, so it is up to you to choose what you prefer.

Oatmeal is best eaten in the morning, as it can cause bloating at night. Therefore, it is not recommended to include it in your dinner. In addition, it can cause the stomach to swell if not chewed properly. You can consume it in porridge or also add it in your milkshakes. Crush it well to obtain a rather fine powder. The daily consumption should not exceed 250 grams for best results.

7-Avocado is a Good Appetite Suppressants

First of all, as part of a healthy, varied and balanced diet, avocado is a must. Although avocado is on the list of fatty foods, it is nevertheless effective for losing weight. The fat contained in avocado does not make you gain weight, because they are good vegetable fats. So, it is quite possible to eat fat and lose weight at the same time, mainly in keto diet. Indeed, it may seem strange and not very logical since greasy foods normally contain more calories. However, in general good fat can make you lose one less waistline.

When you choose calorie-dense foods that provide good cholesterol, your body will automatically tap into its fat reserves to replenish itself. As a result, the body begins to slim down. In any diet, sugar and industrial junk foods should be banned. Good fatty foods quickly fill the stomach and calm hunger, while industrial fast foods produce the opposite effect.

To go further, imagine when you are very thirsty and you drink a very sweet drink. Once you finish your bottle, you are still thirsty and you want more. On the other hand, if you drink plain water or smoothies, your thirst disappears with only one glass or two. Moreover, it is the same for cakes, sweets and cold cuts.

If you’re hungry, don’t rush on these snacks. Instead, choose foods like avocados or fatty fish that contain good fats. Processed foods only add bad cholesterol to your body. Not only do they make you fat, but they are also bad for your health. Avocado also helps to fight obesity. Its appetite suppressant side helps to reduce the overconsumption of food.

Avocado is a great food to include in your diet if you want to shed some pounds.  Moreover it’s also recommended to et it regularly if you want to boost your memory.

8- Eat Popcorn to Starve off Hunger Cravings

Yes, you are not dreaming, you read it right, popcorn makes you lose weight. But how does it work? Let’s find out without further ado. Who doesn’t love this delicious snack that melts in your mouth and makes you want more? So, if popcorn also makes you lose weight, then it’s more than perfect.

Unlike other snacks like chocolate bars, cookies, cakes and chips that are full of fat and sugar, popcorn is different. If you want to maintain your weight, it is the best snack you can choose. It helps to stabilize your weight since there is no sugar or fat in it. The nutritional value contained in popcorn is very low.

Popcorn contains a large amount of fiber and this is important in your quest to lose weight. Consuming this food will not only calm your hunger, but will also make you feel full. It’s an appetite suppressant as avocado. Thus, it is an ideal fat-burning food to eliminate the most fat in the body. One cup of popcorn per day is enough, as it contains only 21 calories. Moreover, it is a delicious and affordable snack. Indeed, your body and your wallet will thank you.

However, be careful because if you consume too much popcorn it will have the opposite effect. You will definitely gain weight. When you eat popcorn, avoid adding fat like butter and sugar to it. Remember that sugar and fat are difficult to digest by the body and make us gain weight in a very short time. Eat it plain as it is and in reasonable quantities.

9- Cucumber is a Food that Help You Shed Pounds

Cucumber is one of the vegetables that make you lose weight quickly. It consists of 96.30 g of water in total, only 2.4 g of carbohydrates, 140 mg of potassium per 100 g, 0.80 g of fiber and 0.11 mg of manganese. Thanks to its high water content, it can be consumed in very large quantities without having to calculate the number of calories gained. Moreover, for 100 g of cucumber, the corresponding energy value is only 13.6 kcal. So, it is quite low.

Cucumber brings many benefits to our body and it is absolutely refreshing. It contains a lot of fiber, vitamin A and beta-carotene. Consumed in large quantities, it reduces the appetite. It is perfect for losing weight and stimulating intestinal transit. Cucumber has a powerful antioxidant power that fights against cardiovascular diseases, cancers, skin problems and diseases related to aging.

Cucumbers are usually eaten raw or in salads, but you can also cook them if you like. Cucumbers are a light vegetable that the body can digest easily. Ideally, you should not peel the skin of the cucumber to keep all its nutrients. Be sure to choose firm, green cucumbers. Be careful not to store them with other fruits in the refrigerator, as this causes more bitterness to the cucumbers.

10- Eat Keto Snack to Burn Fat

Feeling peckish? There are different varieties of snacks you can choose from. Between chocolate bars, French fries and other snacks, it’s not easy to choose when you’re paying close attention to your weight. Then, we feel guilty after a chocolate cake, because it is full of calories.

But if there are snacks that are just as tasty without having to worry about the calories.
That’s where keto snack comes in. The keto diet or ketogenic diet has gained popularity in recent years. It is a diet that involves eating fat to lose weight. And yes, you read that right, eating fat. It is extremely effective in losing weight in a short period of time. The ketogenic diet is a low carb diet compensated by a reinforcement of lipids. It is a low carb diet where you ingest more fat.

The objective of the keto diet is to put the body in a state of ketosis, which means that the body will start to draw energy from fats. You can prepare your own low carb snack or buy ready-made keto snacks. Here are some ideas for keto snacks you can make at home: tuna pizza, keto smoothie, cheese chips, cheese stuffed mushrooms, meatballs, etc. To learn more about the keto diet and find the best recipes, download our free keto diet guide.

But if you don’t want to go to the trouble of cooking, you can find tasty ketogenic snacks in supermarkets. For example: keto crisps, chocolate peanut butter pie bar, keto cups, keto cookie, aged cheddar bars… In any case, always consult a nutritionist before starting any diet.

The bottom line

To sum up, eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential to stay fit and healthy. If you include the foods listed above in your diet, you will boost your weight loss process. You will gain more energy and stability while being full and without gaining a gram. In this case, these food can help you lose weight if you consume them daily during your loss weight journey. 

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1 thought on “10 Best Healthy Foods to Help You Lose Weight”

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