5 Best Proven Ways to Become Smarter and Quick-witted

become smarter and quick-witted
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5 Best Proven Ways to Become Smarter and Quick-witted

become smarter and quick-witted

Become smarter and quick-witted with the simple but effective techniques below. In order to keep your brain sharp, you have to follow some important rules. To boost your brain and increase your intelligence, you need to take care of it. Here are some signs which shows that your mental acuity is altered. You are often tired, stressed, nervous or lack concentration. If this is the case, it is urgent to fix it.  

What Does it Mean to Be Smart and Quick-witted?

Firstly, to be quick-witted is to be mentally alert. It shows or characterized a person’s ability to think or respond quickly and effectively. A quick-witted person is lively, smart, quick to understand, full of life. Secondly, it is the opposite of a slow person, who does not have clear ideas, who is not motivated.

A quick-witted and smart person is usually characterized by his charisma, his ability to think quickly. To be quick-witted is to have a clear, focused mind. Someone with a quick mind concentrates easily. Moreover, he or she is always motivated. Here are the 5 techniques to become smarter and quick-witted.

1- Music Keeps Your Brain Young

Music allows you to be effective with your daily tasks. It pushes you to be productive. Music is an indispensable ally. Indeed, music produces many benefits on our mental health. In addition, it frees our intellectual potential. Music soothes, eliminates stress and puts the mind in a state of absolute calm. So, in order to be alert, we need music. Music is also a food for the brain.

However, choose carefully the type of music you listen to. Some music can soothe you and some can cause the opposite effect. It affects your entire behavior and state of mind. Loud, exciting music is more likely to agitate us than calm us. However, music is excellent for stimulating our cognitive ability and creativity.

Scientific studies have shown that music and brain plasticity are closely related. Music is a very powerful tool to stimulate the brain. According to scientific analysis, people who play a musical instrument react faster. They understand more easily than those who do not play one. We notice an increase in mental acuity in children as well as in adults.

Therefore, children learns to play musical instrument more earlier. Music allows to free the mind, to have a sharp mind and to increase intelligence. Listening to music on a daily basis is very beneficial to the mind. The result is multiplied if you play a musical instrument. In fact, music is introduced into the school curriculum from early childhood. It aims to develop the mental ability of children. In adults, music also helps to memorize. In this case, music is useful at any age. So, if you want to become smarter and quick-witted, music is your best friend.

2-Memory Games Improve Brain Power

Memory games are very useful for sharpening intelligence. These games are also efficient for memorization. To be quick-witted, the brain needs stimulation to release its potential. Memory is defined as the brain’s ability to store information and retrieve it.

Memory games promote learning and improve cognitive skills. Cognitive skills are all the abilities of the brain to learn, think, solve problem, remember, and concentrate. Having a sharp mind allows you to think and make decisions quickly. In addition, they help to find solutions, to communicate effectively with others. Therefore, memory games help to strengthen social relationships.

Nowadays, there are a lot of memory games available. For instance, physical and virtual memory games. There are many games to boost memory, become smarter and quick-witted. For example, crosswords, chess, card games, Sudoku. These games exist in both physical and electronic versions. Both young and adults need memory games to keep the brain sharp. Memory games are essential at any age to strengthen the brain and to avoid certain mental diseases.

3- A Balanced Diet for a Powerful Brain

To become smart and quick-witted, food is crucial. In fact, a well-balanced diet contributes to our brain health. Food provides all the nutrients and energy that our brain needs. We must avoid eating junk food that are harmful to the brain. So, we need to eat nutritious healthy foods to sharpen our mind. Thus, we can avoid lack of energy, memory lapses, lack of concentration, learning difficulties, stress, and so on.

Paying close attention to your diet is crucial to keep your mind sharp. Choosing the right foods ensures the protection of neurons. So, eat food that are rich in magnesium. For example, chocolate, oleaginous fruits such as walnuts, almonds, etc. You will also find magnesium in dried vegetables such as beans, lentils, etc. Food that are rich in polyphenols such as green tea are also excellent. Consume also fatty fish rich in omega 3. You can also use cod liver oil in your dishes.

To boost the brain and be sharp, food supplements are also ideal. During stressful periods like exams, we can help our brain with food supplements. During tiring moments, these products keep the capacity of memory and concentration at a high level. They protect the brain against overwork and general fatigue while increasing alertness. Here is the top 10 best food for the brain.

4- Sports Can Help You to Become Smart and Quick-witted

There are three pillars to having a powerful brain: first nutrition, second rest and third sport. Indeed, being sharp-minded requires movement. Physical exercise strengthens mental skills. Sport oxygenates the brain and revitalizes the cells. After a long, tiring working day, going to the gym is great if you’re not too stressed and tired. If that’s the case, you’d better go home, relax and do some meditation and breathing exercises.

A healthy lifestyle is key to a healthy mind and body. When you exercise, your have better mood and you are less stressed. You’ll have a great shape and you’ll be more creative and productive. Having a clear mind is important to succeed in life and achieve your goals. Sports such as martial arts are excellent for optimizing health and strengthening your mind. Fighting sports awaken the whole body and mind. So you become physically and mentally stronger.

Yoga also provides many benefits for gaining a sharp mind. Although yoga is not recognized as a sport, it is very beneficial. It protects physical and mental health. Yoga is a discipline that originated in India. It has been practiced around the world for decades. Of course, yoga requires discipline, regularity and a healthy lifestyle. It essentially allows you to clear your mind and to get rid of negativity. Yoga makes you serene and develops your intellectual capacity. This discipline is perfect for sharpening intelligence, improving memory and developing concentration.

5- Get Enough Sleep to Have a Genius Mind

First of all, enough sleep is a must to stay healthy. Sleep promotes memorization, focus and intelligence. A person who has not slept enough exacerbates anger. According to scientific research, people who lack sleep are more angry and aggressive. Einstein is one the greatest genius of all times that never neglect sleep. In fact, it is said that he slept 10 hours per night.

Secondly, lack of sleep has negative consequences on our behavior. We get irritated easily and lose our temper quickly. A good night’s sleep helps to regenerate our cells. We need it to replenish our energy. Otherwise, it will be difficult to concentrate, to think and to be productive during the day. Therefore, pay close attention to the quality of your sleep. Sleep plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the brain.

It is important to note that sports or exciting activities should be avoided before bedtime. Instead, choose relaxing activities. Moreover, this favors the quality of sleep and helps avoid insomnia. You can listen to soft, relaxing music or read. Avoid screens before going to bed. Meditation and breathing exercises are relaxing and make it easier to fall asleep. Avoid all forms of stress and clear your mind.

The temperature of your bedroom should be around 16 to 17 degrees maximum. A room that is too cold or too hot will deteriorate the quality of sleep. As a result, when you wake up, you will be tired. Before falling into the arms of Morpheus, drink green tea. It is also recommended to drink a tea with chamomile and honey. This decoction provides a better and more restful sleep.

The Bottom Line

To sum up, start applying these techniques and you will see a huge difference. To be become smarter and quick-witted, we must take care of our brain. If we don’t protect it properly, our health will be seriously affected. If our brain is not functioning properly, we will have difficulty to be  productive. Moreover, it will be hard for us to achieve our goals. Also, our brain is the key element that ensures our well-being, our happiness, our relationships with others. It is the tool that guarantees our success. Moreover, when we are feel good in our mind, we feel positive and happy.

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