10 Best Food for Healthy Eyes

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Healthy eyes requires healthy food. Food habits has a powerful influence on the organism. If we want to protect our eyes we must choose well what we consume. Our eating habits reflects on our health, appearance, and especially on our eyes. Discover the 10 Best foods for healthy eyes.

1- Carrots

First, carrot is at the top of our list of the best food for healthy eyes. The wild carrot was cultivated in Afghanistan and then domesticated in the East.

But today, it can be found all over the continent. Carrot is one of the most popular vegetables because of their high concentration of carotenoids or vitamin A. One carrot constitutes 2,813 milligrams of vitamin A. Vitamin A has many benefits for the eyes. It prevents certain eye diseases such as cataracts. In addition, vitamin A deficiency can cause a decrease and a blurring of vision.

Therefore, it is an excellent source of vitamin A. Moreover, it helps reduce the risk of contracting eye problems. If you work long hours in front of your computer, eat more carrots to protect your eyes. People who are usually exposed to screens should add as many carrots as possible to their menu.

2- Blueberries

Blueberry is a fruit native to North America and was previously found only during the summer. It is a wild fruit very well-known for its purple or bluish-black color with a sour and tangy taste.

Today, we mostly use blueberry  in culinary recipes such as pie. Nevertheless, it is better to eat it raw to preserve its nutritional value. According to scientific research, blueberry is a good source of antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamin C, K. These nutrients are indispensable to preserve a good vision.

Moreover, these substances are also excellent for all our organs to work well, particularly the eyes. The flavonoid strengthens the blood vessels and this contributes to the degeneration of night vision. It is therefore preferable to consume it from time to time to prevent the aging of the blood vessels in our eyes.

3- Walnuts

There are 11 walnuts tree species recorded until today. Walnut tree is native to the mountainous regions of the Eurasian continent, but today it is cultivated all over the world. This fruit is also among the group of foods that are good for the eyes. Moreover, it is very beneficial for our health, as it provides different nutrients that help to limit the risk of diseases for our body.

The presence of vitamin B2 in walnuts reduces the alterations of the retina that can lead to visual impairment. In spite of the benefits that walnuts can bring to our body, its consumption should not exceed 40 g/day to avoid the bloating of the intestines. To improve your eyesight, almond is one of the best walnut you should eat.

4- Orange

0range is a popular fruit because of its round shape, its thick and rather rough skin. These beautiful orange-colored fruits are absolutely great for the eyes. In addition to its sweet and fragrant aroma, it is delicious, juicy and sweet. It is one of the best and most consumed fruits in the world.

In general, we use to eat it raw as a dessert, but it can also be added in our preparation of cakes, salads, etc. We can extract its nectar and enjoy it as fresh juice, especially during the summer. There are several varieties of oranges such as lemon, grapefruit, et cetera. The orange is known for its high content of vitamin C and flavonoids. These nutrients are essential to our eyes, that’s why they are among the best food for healthy eyes.

The daily consumption of this fruit can reduce problems related to vision. It promotes good eyesight and prevents eye problems. For example, cataract, macular degeneration that causes vision loss. This happens mainly for people aged over 50 years old. Orange is also used in many beauty care and slimming recipes. It’s really excellent to use as slimming tea.

5- Spinach

Spinach is a leafy vegetable known to be rich in iron. But it is also full of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and antioxidant. All these substances are excellent for protecting eye health and the whole organism. Apart from vitamin A, we must also rely on vitamin C to have clear, bright eyes, without redness. These are the signs of good vision.

The daily consumption of spinach is therefore ideal for the health of our eyes. We can eat it raw as a salad or include it in other recipes. Consume spinach daily, as it contains essential nutrients to protect the eyes.

6- Tomato

Tomato is among the great and healthy food recommended for good eyesight. It is also famous for skin protection against free radicals. These harmful molecules can damages cells, and tissues and affect the immune system. We classify tomatoes as being both a fruit and a vegetable.

Tomatoes originated from Central America but are grown all over the world today. We can find several varieties of tomatoes including the cherry tomato, the beef heart tomato, the pineapple tomato…

We mainly use tomatoes in the kitchen to give more taste to our dishes. It is also included in the preparation of sauces, coulis, and salads. We use it in aperitifs, buffets, and as a decoration too.

However, they are not only found in our plates, they are also used in beauty care. Apart from all this, tomatoes have many excellent benefits for the health of the eyes and the whole body.

The lycopene contained in tomatoes is the substance that gives them their beautiful red color. This substance protects the skin and eyes from light and ultraviolet rays that are harmful to our health.

A study proved that tomatoes contain 64 milligrams of Vitamin A. This reason makes it an ideal fruit for maintaining visual health.

7- Kiwi

Kiwi takes its origin from China and they called it “yang tao”. Later on, after this fruit was grown in New Zealand they called it Chinese gooseberry.

Today, we can find it almost everywhere like in France, the United States, Japan, Italy, etc.

Kiwi belongs to the liana family, that is to say, a climbing plant like vines. We recognize this particular fruit by its fuzzy brown skin (green kiwi) and nice golden-brown color (gold kiwifruit).

The green kiwi has an oval shape whereas the gold kiwi fruit has smooth hairless skin. It’s very soft, tasty, and a little bit sour and sweet at the same time. Their taste makes them unique. Inside the kiwi, there are also many small black seeds.

Like all the other fruits mentioned above, kiwi is also extremely rich in vitamins (C, A) and minerals. In fact, these substances intervene and help to maintain a good vision.

If our body has a vitamin C deficiency, the lens forms a small veil that covers the retina and forms called “cataract”. So, kiwi is also one of the best food for healthy eyes.

8- Fish

Apart from fruits and vegetables, fish is also on the list of the best foods for healthy eyes. Moreover, oily fish is extremely rich in omega 3 and protects our cells. Seafood contains lots of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins (A, C), and especially omega-3. In this case, it is essential to eat fish such as mackerel, tuna, sardines and so on.

Daily consumption of fish such as cod and salmon improves eyesight. Indeed, the vitamin A it contains ensures a good night vision. It reduces infections that can affect the conjunctiva and cornea. Increase your intake of omega 3 by adding fish oil to your food to ensure a bright and healthy eyes.

9- Melon

Melon is a fruit having African origin. It is bulky, oval or round. Its color changes according to its maturity from white to green and from green to yellow. Its flesh is very tender, juicy and flavored. There are three varieties of melons:

  • The galia melon: green flesh and not very sweet
  • The Charentais melon: it has orange flesh and green skin. On the other hand, it is extremely sweet.
  • The yellow and green melon with white flesh
    Melon is very rich in minerals, potassium, calcium, but also in vitamin A.

These elements are crucial to maintain the cells that cover the eyes.
In fact, apart from the various benefits that melon brings to our eyes, it also has a diuretic effect for our body.

10- Alfalfa

Alfalfa is a plant like the ferns also called “shamrocks” or “four-leaf clovers”. This species of plant is very often used to feed livestock.

However, we can incorporate its seeds in our daily diet. The seeds of this plant are entirely edible and proven to ensure eye health. For best results, it is advisable to add them to our dishes like sesame seeds.

Alfalfa seeds contain essential nutrients for our health. For example, in 100 grams of seeds, there are 16,000 milligrams of vitamin A.

This plant is therefore an excellent source of vitamin A even though it is not popular. It is important to consume it daily to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes. Alfalfa helps to slow down the aging of the eye cells and aims to obtain good visual acuity.

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