10 Best Food for a Good Memory

food for good memory
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A good memory is crucial in our everyday life. To be able to memorize things guarantees success and huge achievement. Everyone knows that what we eat influences our health and our mental ability. If we adopt a healthy diet, we reduce the risk of catching diseases. The famous Canadian doctor Osler confirms that 90% of diseases, apart from infections and accidents, are related to our eating habits.

A healthy diet strengthens our capacity of memorization. Moreover, a good diet helps to fight against Alzheimer and other memory disorders. Thus, the longevity and performance of our brain depends on certain food. Fortunately, nature offers us the possibility to vary and select our food. Without further ado, here are the top 10 best food for a good memory.

1- Avocados

Avocado is one of the best fruit to boost memory. It’s nutritious and contains high level of healthy unsaturated fats. This fruit is good for the heart, the eyes, the skin and especially the brain.

Avocado contains Vitamin B9. This is a micronutrient that ensures the proper functioning of the brain. It contributes to the formation of red blood cells which carry oxygen to the nervous system. Moreover, we know how vital oxygen is for the brain.

Apart from vitamin B9, avocado is rich in lipids and polyunsaturated fat. Avocado helps reduce undesirable LDL cholesterol. This healthy fat protects the nervous system. And, it also ensures the good transmission of the signals emitted by the neurons. A research has proven that eating one avocado daily prevents memory loss.  Meanwhile, it also improves cognitive abilities. It’s a highly recommended food for those who want to lose weight.

2- Chocolates

The second best food for a good memory is chocolate. Chocolate has lots of virtues and benefits. However, not every type of chocolate is good for our health and our brain. Nowadays, we can find different varieties of processed chocolate: milk chocolate, white chocolate, bittersweet chocolate. But, the most ideal for a good memory is dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, it protects against brain degeneration, dementia, and other brain diseases. Brain degeneration is the deterioration of nerve cells that leads to certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The daily consumption of dark chocolate slows down memory loss. Because of aging, nerve cells deteriorate. In this case, eat dark chocolate to revive them. The flavonol present in dark chocolate enhances brain plasticity, blood flow and protect the brain.

3- Broccoli

Broccoli is a green vegetable of the same family as cabbage, originating from Italy. It is one of the most powerful food to boost brainpower.

This vegetable is excellent for our health. It is also popular for its low calorie intake. This is ideal for people who want to lose weight.

Also, this green vegetable is rich in micronutrients such as vitamin A, C, B, K. It also contains high quantity of brain-healthy antioxidants and flavonoids. Most of these vitamins help slow down cognitive decline. By this we mean it slow loss of memory such as amnesia and dementia. Moreover, it is very frequent from the age of 45. 

4- Fatty Fish

There are different species of oily fish also called blue fish such as:

1- Salmon
2- Tuna
3- Sardines

As the name suggests, these types of fish are extremely rich in lipids. Moreover, they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3. These elements are essential for a good memory.

These two nutrients contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system. In fact, according to scientific experiments, they reduce the risk of cerebral vascular accidents.

In addition, according to demonstrations initiated by researchers, the intake of omega-3 can help us boost memory and stimulate concentration. Omega-3 promotes the production of dopamine and serotonin. Moreover, these two hormones are crucial for the transmission of messages from one neuron to another, known as neurotransmitters.

5- Blueberries

Blueberry is a wild fruit well-known by its purple or bluish-black color with a sour and tangy taste. It’s among the best food for a good memory. In fact, it has a lots of benefits for our brain health.

Researchers have stated that blueberry is a great source of antioxidants. Moreover, antioxidants are able to protect the body from the formation of free radicals. These free radicals are responsible for many diseases.

Secondly, the antioxidants contained in blueberry have a similar effect on our brain. They prevent the formation of cells or molecules that are harmful to our intellectual capacity.

6- Green Leafy Vegetables

The consumption of green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, dandelions, etc. are highly recommended by nutritionists. These vegetables provide all the nutrients that our body needs.

Green leafy vegetables are generally rich in minerals, vitamins A, C, K and also in antioxidants.

And, as with all the other foods mentioned above, green leafy vegetables are good for your health. They reduce the risk of mental decline and heart and vascular diseases.

But, in order to benefit from all the virtues contained in these green leafy vegetables, it is advisable to eat them raw. Indeed, the heat of cooking reduces their nutritional value.

7- Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the best oil for your brain cells. It’s a natural oil extracted from coconuts. It provides a lots of health benefits. It contains lauric acid, and a healthy saturated fat. This natural oil is used especially in various beauty care including haircare, skincare … And since this natural oil is so healthy, it is also used in cooking.

Coconut oil is composed of fatty acids such as omega-3, vitamin E, A. Scientific research has shown that omega-3 plays an important role in the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Therefore, adding coconut oil to our food improves the performance of the brain and helps to have a good memory.

8- Tumeric Tea

Turmeric is a plant with the same appearance as ginger, but what differentiates them is its orange color.

This plant is often used as a spice, and to give beautiful color to our food when cooking. . However, we can also make tea with turmeric.

Drinking tumeric tea is beneficial for our body thanks to the multiple virtues that this plant has. Turmeric is both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Studies have shown that the antioxidants contained in this plant provides restorative effects for the brain.

In India, where the intake of turmeric tea is very frequent, it is noticed that the rate of Alzheimer’s disease is absolutely low. In short, we can say that drinking turmeric tea is also an ally for brain health.

9- Eggs

Eggs are amongst the best food for  good memory. They also promote brain development. Egg white is very rich in protein while the yolk contains more antioxidants. Antioxidants and choline boost intellectual ability, especially in children.

Choline is a neuromediator that is essential to our memory. Generally, our body does not produce this element which is essential to the proper functioning of our nervous system. Therefore, it is imperative to find it in foods such as eggs.

All this leads us to conclude that eggs are one of the essential foods for the brain. The proteins found in eggs are very powerful for increasing memory power.

10- Water

Like all organs, the brain needs water and must be well-hydrated to function properly. In order to avoid certain diseases that affect our memory, we must drink 1.5 liters of water per day.

According to scientific research, we know that our brain is made up of 80% water. And, dehydration or lack of water leads to difficulty in memorizing and concentrating.

Therefore, good hydration allows us to think and concentrate well. To have a good memory, it is also recommended to drink water while working. This improves focus, concentration, assimilation of information, and memorization.

The Bottom Line

Finally, we can say that our health depends mainly on our diet. The secret to having a good memory and a sharp mind is related to our diet. If you eat these 10 superfoods for the brain on a daily, your memory will start to improve. They provide all the nutrients our brain needs to function correctly and to remain healthy and in a good state.

Foods rich in iron, magnesium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E, and B protect our brains. They help us to have that elephant memory. Meanwhile, these brain foods slow down certain diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson. They also promote short-term memory and long-term memory.

However, even if these foods are beneficial to get a good memory, you should not eat them in excess. In fact, consume these foods in moderation to prevent body intoxication.

For example, eating too much chocolate is very harmful to our organs. Thus, it provokes considerable weight gain and can even lead to obesity. It can also cause vascular diseases and diabetes. Always keep in mind that too much of anything is never good for our health. 

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